John Wilkinson

As an 86-year-old ex-pilot living out my days in Plymouth, England I've seen my fair share of turbulence, both in the skies and on the ground. But nothing quite prepared me for the absurdity of the neighborly squabble that unfolded one sunny afternoon.

It all started innocently enough, with Mrs. Thompson from next door popping round for a cup of tea and a chat. But before I knew it, the conversation had taken a nosedive into the realm of the ridiculous.

You see, Mrs. Thompson had taken offense to the positioning of my garden gnome, a harmless little fellow named Barnaby, who had been peacefully perched by my front gate for as long as I could remember. According to Mrs. Thompson, Barnaby's presence was causing a disruption to the neighborhood's feng shui, whatever that meant.

Naturally, I tried to reason with her, explaining that Barnaby had been a gift from my late wife and held sentimental value to me. But Mrs. Thompson was having none of it. She insisted that Barnaby was an eyesore and demanded that I relocate him to the back of the garden where he wouldn't offend anyone's sensibilities.

Now, normally I'm a peaceable sort, but there's only so much nonsense a man can take. So, with a twinkle in my eye and a touch of mischief in my heart, I decided to play along. The next morning, much to Mrs. Thompson's horror, she woke up to find not one, but a whole battalion of gnomes adorning my front lawn. There were gnomes of all shapes and sizes, some fishing in a makeshift pond, others lounging in miniature deck chairs, and a few even engaged in a spirited game of cricket.

Needless to say, Mrs. Thompson was beside herself with indignation. She stormed over to my house, waving her arms and sputtering with rage. But try as she might, she couldn't help but crack a smile at the absurdity of it all.

In the end, we both had a good laugh about the whole affair, and Barnaby remained firmly planted by the front gate where he belonged. And as for Mrs. Thompson, well, she may grumble about my eccentricities from time to time, but deep down, I think she rather enjoys having a neighbor who keeps her on her toes.


Anh Ha Tran


Ruby Davies