Anh Ha Tran

Navigating through my journey as a chemist hailing from Hanoi, Vietnam, the weight of my parents' expectations has consistently burdened my shoulders. They poured every penny they had into sending me abroad for my studies, convinced that I would achieve greatness and bring honor to our family.

For years, I toiled away in laboratories, striving to meet their lofty expectations. I sacrificed friendships, hobbies, and even moments of joy to focus solely on my studies. And for a while, it seemed like I was on the path to success.

But then, reality struck with a cruel blow. Despite my best efforts, I found myself struggling to keep up with the demands of my coursework. The pressure to excel became suffocating, crushing me beneath its weight.

As the months passed, I watched helplessly as my grades plummeted and my dreams slipped further and further out of reach. With each disappointing report card, I could see the disappointment in my parents' eyes growing, like a dark cloud looming over our once hopeful future.

I tried to hide my failures, to shield my parents from the truth, but the facade eventually crumbled. The day I had to confess my struggles was one of the darkest of my life. The disappointment and disbelief etched on their faces pierced me to the core, a painful reminder of all the hopes and dreams I had dashed.

Now, at the age of 27, as I sit alone in my cramped apartment, surrounded by the remnants of shattered ambitions, I can't help but wonder where it all went wrong. Was it my lack of talent, my inability to handle the pressure, or simply the cruel hand of fate?

I wish I could turn back time, to undo the mistakes that led me to this point. But deep down, I know that's just wishful thinking. All I can do now is pick up the pieces of my shattered dreams and try to find a new path forward, one that doesn't rely on the expectations of others but instead, focuses on finding my own sense of purpose and fulfillment.


Jamiro da Silva


John Wilkinson