Ruby Davies

Being a 22-year-old biology student in Los Angeles, USA had its fair share of quirky experiences. One particular incident stands out as both funny and strange.

It all started one sunny afternoon during a field trip to study marine life along the California coast. As we were collecting samples and jotting down notes, I stumbled upon what looked like a peculiar rock washed up on the shore.

Being the curious biologist that I am, I bent down to examine it closer. To my surprise, it wasn't a rock at all—it was a perfectly intact coconut, complete with its husk and everything. Now, finding a coconut on a California beach is about as rare as finding a snowstorm in the desert, so naturally, my classmates and I were intrigued.

As we huddled around the coconut, debating how it ended up there, one of my friends had a lightbulb moment. "Let's crack it open and see if there's anything inside!" he exclaimed.

With a mixture of excitement and skepticism, we searched for something to break it open with. Eventually, someone produced a sturdy rock, and we gathered in a circle, eagerly awaiting the coconut's secrets.

After a few failed attempts and some awkward fumbling, we managed to crack the coconut open, only to be greeted by... absolutely nothing. No coconut water, no flesh—just empty space.

We stared at each other in disbelief, wondering how on earth an empty coconut ended up on a beach miles away from any palm trees. It was a bizarre moment that left us scratching our heads and chuckling at the absurdity of it all.

In the end, we didn't uncover any groundbreaking scientific discovery, but we did gain a hilarious anecdote to recount for years to come. And as strange as it was, that empty coconut served as a reminder that sometimes, the most unexpected things happen when you least expect them.


John Wilkinson


Ben Lehmann