Leja Järvinen

The crisp morning air greeted me as I stepped out of my cozy home near Helsinki, Finland, the routine of a new day unfolding before me. It had been two years since my children ventured off to pursue their dreams, leaving behind a quiet emptiness that echoed through the halls of our once lively home. And just last year, I said goodbye to my beloved husband, his battle with cancer leaving me to navigate the depths of grief and solitude.

But life has a way of nudging us forward, even when our steps falter and our hearts ache. And so, after a year of mourning and introspection, I found myself standing at the threshold of a new chapter, ready to embrace the unfamiliar with hesitant optimism.

My new role as a teacher at the local elementary school breathed fresh purpose into my days. The laughter of children filled the classroom, their eager minds a testament to the resilience of youth. And amidst the chaos of crayons and worksheets, I discovered moments of solace and joy, reminders that life, despite its hardships, still held moments of beauty and wonder.

Amidst the sea of new faces, one stood out – a colleague named Marko. His warm smile and genuine kindness drew me in, offering a glimmer of companionship in the vast expanse of solitude. Though the thought of love and romance felt like a distant dream, I found myself opening up to the possibility of connection, allowing myself to entertain the notion of love finding its way back into my life, even in the most unexpected of places.

As the days turned into weeks, I found solace in the rhythms of teaching and the budding friendship with Marko, each interaction a gentle reminder that life, with all its twists and turns, was still worth living, still brimming with untold possibilities. And as I looked towards the future, my heart, once heavy with sorrow, dared to hope once more.


Hajun Siu Chung


Benicio Molina