Benicio Molina

In Buenos Aires, where the air is thick with the scent of ripe fruit and the chatter of market-goers fills the streets, my days as a 72-year-old vendor have been a testament to the passage of time. For over four decades, I've stood behind my rare fruit stall, watching as the world changes around me.

But nothing could have prepared me for the chaos that unfolded one fateful morning. As I went about my usual routine, arranging the vibrant array of fruits on my stand, the market buzzed with an unusual fervor. And then, just as I emptied the last crate, a hairy spider emerged, sending shivers down my spine.

Before I could react, two young people appeared, their cell phones poised to capture the spectacle. As the spider darted across my display, panic erupted like wildfire. Screams pierced the air as market-goers fled in terror, toppling stalls in their haste to escape the arachnid menace.

In the aftermath, the market lay in disarray, as if a storm had swept through its bustling aisles. And the spider? It vanished without a trace, leaving behind a lingering sense of unease among visitors.

But amidst the chaos, an unexpected silver lining emerged. Footage of the incident spread like wildfire on social media, turning my once-quiet stall into a viral sensation. And though some may approach with caution now, I've found solace in the knowledge that curiosity often outweighs fear.

So I'll continue to stand behind my stall, offering up the bounty of nature with a smile, knowing that even the most unexpected twists of fate can lead to newfound opportunities.


Leja Järvinen


Naima Salmi