Yaro Suleiman

My days often start early, with the sun barely peeking over Lagos, Nigeria, as I navigate the bustling streets to the studio. As a 31-year-old cinematographer in Nollywood, I’ve seen the industry grow and evolve, capturing moments that range from the hilariously absurd to the profoundly moving.

Currently, I'm working on a comedy that has the entire crew in stitches most days. Yesterday, we were shooting a particularly funny scene. The actors were in top form, delivering their lines with such perfect timing that we couldn’t help but laugh. We had to do multiple takes, not because of mistakes, but because everyone, including the director, kept bursting into laughter.

Today, things took an unexpected turn. During a chaotic scene, someone threw a lamp in a fit of mock anger. It landed on a table, and the heat from the lamp was so intense that the table caught fire. For a moment, we were all stunned, staring at the small blaze. Then, chaos erupted as people scrambled for water and fire extinguishers. Amidst the confusion, I kept rolling. The entire incident, from the initial shock to the frantic attempts to put out the fire, was captured on camera.

Incidents like these remind me why I love this job. Every day is different, filled with unpredictable moments that make each project unique. As I reviewed the footage later, I couldn't help but chuckle. The making-of this film is shaping up to be just as entertaining, if not more so, than the movie itself.

Working in Nollywood, I'm part of a vast, dynamic industry that employs over a million people. It's thrilling to see how the quality of our films improves each year and how we're garnering more international attention. Being on set, amidst the energy and creativity, is a privilege I don't take for granted.

As I head home, exhausted but satisfied, I think about what tomorrow might bring. More laughter, undoubtedly. Perhaps another unexpected mishap. But whatever happens, my team and I will be there, capturing it all on camera. This is the life I chose, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.


Mariana Ivanov


Dunya El Amary