Yanara Halim

Walking home from a meeting with fellow activists in Cairo, I couldn't shake the stories of abuse and harassment that dominated our conversation. At 26, I've faced more sexual harassment than I care to remember, but it only fuels my resolve to fight for women's rights in Egypt.

Last week, another threat landed in my inbox, warning me to stop my work. These threats are constant, but I refuse to be silenced. Each one strengthens my commitment to amplify the voices of women sharing their stories of assault, intimidation, and rape.

Recently, I shared screenshots from a woman exposing her harasser, a prominent professor. Her bravery ignited a wave of solidarity and similar revelations, showing that Egyptian society can change. Yet, the reality remains grim. Men leer and catcall on the streets, making fear a constant companion.

Laws against sexual violence exist, but justice is rare. Victims are often blamed, while patriarchal norms allow men to control their wives and daughters. Misinterpreted religious beliefs and oppressive traditions perpetuate this cycle. Even in our homes, aunts, mothers, and grandmothers uphold these harmful traditions, bullying girls from birth.

Reaching my apartment, I felt a mix of exhaustion and determination. I sat down to draft my next blog post, knowing the fight continues. I'll keep raising my voice for every woman in Egypt until we are heard. Change is slow, but each story shared and each voice raised brings us closer to a society where women can live without fear. Every step forward is a victory, and I refuse to give up.


Elijah Michaels


Steve Khumalo