William Moore

The sunlight streamed through the tall windows of my office, casting a warm glow on the polished mahogany desk. In an hour, I would be stepping down as CEO of the pharmaceutical empire I had helped build here in Fremont, USA. Two months ago, at 54, I was diagnosed with aggressive pancreatic cancer. The irony wasn’t lost on me—being at the helm of a company renowned for its cancer treatments, yet facing a disease that eluded our most advanced drugs.

Wealth had been a constant companion in my life, a result of the billions our drugs had earned worldwide. My children, now teenagers, grew up in luxury, their every whim catered to. I always thought providing them with everything was the right thing to do, but now I wonder if I’ve prepared them for a world without me. Our business thrived on the suffering of others, profiting immensely from the sale of life-extending medications. I used to justify it by believing we were saving lives, but long-term studies showed that cancer often found a way back, despite our best efforts.

I often wonder if my illness is a consequence of my past choices—years of smoking, regular drinking at corporate events, and the relentless stress of running a billion-dollar company. But since the diagnosis, I’ve made drastic changes—eating right, exercising, and letting go of the reins at work. Stepping down was a decision I should have made long ago, but I always found an excuse to stay. Tomorrow, a new chapter begins, one where I’m not defined by my role as CEO but by the moments I spend with my family. There’s a quiet hope in me, a belief that maybe I can find some peace and purpose in the time I have left.

As I walked out of my office for the last time, I felt a strange sense of relief. The weight of responsibility lifted, replaced by a simple desire to live fully. I’ve learned more about myself in these past two months than I had in years of corporate triumphs. Perhaps this journey, with all its pain and uncertainty, will lead to a deeper understanding of what it means to truly live.


Alisa Nowikow


Beldana Rusev