Selin Yildiz

At 21, as a philosophy student, I often find myself lost in thought, pondering life's mysteries and the intricacies of existence. So, when my friends suggested a day at the beach south of Istanbul, Turkey, I welcomed the chance to clear my mind and enjoy the sun-drenched shores.

Amidst the laughter and chatter of my companions, I strolled along the sandy expanse, the gentle lapping of the waves a soothing backdrop to my contemplations. And then, as if guided by fate, my foot brushed against something buried in the sand.

Bending down, I unearthed a gleaming engagement ring, its intricate design sparkling in the sunlight. My heart skipped a beat as I held the ring in my hand, a rush of conflicting emotions swirling within me. Strangely enough, I had been quietly hoping for my boyfriend to propose, and now, here I was, holding this unexpected symbol of commitment.

Questions raced through my mind as I turned the ring over in my palm. Was this a sign? A message from the universe? Or merely a curious coincidence? I couldn't shake the feeling of significance that surrounded this discovery.

As I rejoined my friends, I tucked the ring safely into my pocket, content to let its mystery unfold in its own time. For now, I chose to embrace the simple joys of the present moment, grateful for the beauty of the beach and the warmth of friendship that surrounded me.


Irwan Khemiri


David Goldmann