Pierre Raynaud

Two years ago, I experienced something that changed my life in ways I could never have imagined. It was an ordeal that was covered extensively by the press, so I feel comfortable sharing it now.

At that time, I lived in an apartment in Montpellier, France. I had been there for many years, but my life had taken a dark turn. I weighed over 300 kilos and had been lying on the floor of my apartment for nearly a year after breaking my leg. It was impossible for me to get up. My brother, bless his heart, visited me regularly and brought me food. I refused to go to the hospital, though. The thought of leaving my apartment seemed insurmountable, not to mention the cost and complexity of any rescue operation.

But my health kept deteriorating. Breathing became a struggle, and the pain in my leg and back was constant. Eventually, I realized I couldn’t continue like this. I finally agreed to the rescue operation, and that’s when things took a dramatic turn.

The entire process was elaborate and grueling. They had to lift me out of the apartment using a crane. To do that, they partially tore down the facade of the building. My neighbors were evacuated for safety, and more than 50 people, including firefighters, police officers, and medical personnel, were involved. The whole city seemed to be watching. It was humiliating and terrifying.

But now, two years later and at 56 years old, my life looks very different. I've lost over 100 kilos and am under constant medical supervision. Walking was out of the question for a long time, but now I relish the slow walks I can take with the aid of a walking frame. The pain is still there, and the risk of thrombosis looms, but each day I lose a little more weight and feel a bit better.

The support I received has been overwhelming. Friends, family, even strangers reached out. Their help has been a lifeline. Without it, I’m certain I would have died alone in that apartment. Now, I look forward to each day, grateful for the chance to rebuild my life, step by slow, steady step.


Isla Murphy


Aliya Saadeh