Phong Binh Nguyen

Mornings in Berlin, Germany, start early for me. I rise before dawn, slipping out of bed quietly to avoid waking my wife. At 50, I find these peaceful moments precious, offering a chance to reflect.

I head to my restaurant, the first I opened years ago with friends who are now like family. The streets of Berlin are familiar, yet they still hold an echo of my past, a past that began far away in Vietnam. As a child, my family and I were among the many "boat people" who fled our homeland. The memories of that harrowing journey are blurred by time, but the fear and uncertainty we felt remain etched in my mind. We arrived in Malaysia, desperate and worn, and were met with hostility and hardship. But fortune smiled upon us when Germany opened its doors to us.

We settled in Frankfurt initially, but after the reunification of Germany, we moved to Berlin. Here, amidst a growing Vietnamese community, I found my footing. I went to school, studied business administration, and eventually, with the support of my friends, I opened my first restaurant. That venture flourished beyond our dreams, leading to the establishment of four more across the city.

Family is everything to me. I am a father of three and recently became a grandfather. My parents, both still alive, often visit and share stories of our escape. Just last week, they recounted the tale to my children, tears flowing freely as they spoke of the perilous journey and the friends we lost. It was a poignant reminder of our resilience and the bonds that keep us strong.

As I unlock the restaurant, the familiar aroma of spices greets me. The chefs are already bustling in the kitchen, preparing for the day ahead. I step into my office, glancing at photos of my family on the desk. Running five restaurants is no small feat, but I approach each day with gratitude and humility. My journey from that little boy on a boat to a successful restaurateur in Berlin is a testament to the incredible opportunities life has offered me. Every dish we serve, every customer we greet, is a celebration of the journey we've undertaken and the home we've found here.


Maryja Kovalenko


Elisa Ruiz