Lenira Morais

Life has been kind to me, and I am very grateful for that. I have always loved sewing clothes, and for years I have run a small store in Praia, Cap Verde Islands. It gives me joy to create something beautiful and useful, and it has been my passion throughout my life. I have five children, though I see them far too rarely. My eldest son lives in Lisbon, my second eldest daughter is in South Africa, and the others are spread out across the Cape Verde Islands.

Recently, all my children came to visit for my 75th birthday, and it was the most special gift I could have asked for. We had a big party, filled with laughter, music, and delicious food. The best part of the evening was the surprise they had planned for me. My children had pooled their money together and bought me a new sewing machine. It was a modern one, much more advanced than the one I had been using for years. I was so touched by their thoughtfulness; it was a gift that showed how well they knew and loved me.

We spent the evening reminiscing about old times, dancing to traditional Cape Verdean music, and enjoying each other's company. It was a rare and precious moment to have all my children under one roof, and I cherished every second of it. The house was filled with the sounds of laughter and joy, making it feel more alive than it had in years.

After a few days, everyone had to leave, returning to their lives far away. The house felt emptier without them, and I felt a bit sad. But I hold onto the memories of that wonderful birthday celebration, and every time I use my new sewing machine, I think of my children and how lucky I am to have them. Even though they are far away, they are always close to my heart, and the bond we share keeps me going.


Luuk van Dongen


Emiliano Hernandez