Harry Thompson

Working as a farmer in Cornwall, England, not far from the famous Stonehenge monument, has its share of mysteries. Almost every summer, crop circles appear in my large fields, sometimes taking on spectacularly complex formations. Just last week, one such circle materialized in a remarkably short span of time. I was out watering my fields late at night when I remembered I needed something from my barn. By the time I returned, a huge crop circle had appeared in the very spot I had just left.

My heart pounded as I stood in the middle of the circle, feeling a strange energy in the air. I instinctively reached for my phone to call my wife, but despite a full battery, the display remained black. It's frustrating at times, seeing my crops supposedly damaged, but surprisingly, the stalks are only bent, not broken, so I don't suffer any significant loss.

Scientists continue to puzzle over the formation and purpose of these crop circles. The shapes are often so intricate that even with all the time in the world, people couldn't replicate them with such precision. At 61, I've come to my own conclusions. I believe these formations are messages from distant galaxies, created by intelligent beings with technology far beyond our comprehension.

It's fascinating that these complex patterns are particularly common in the southwest of England, near Stonehenge. We might never know what or who is behind them, but perhaps one day, we will make contact with these extraterrestrial beings, potentially turning our understanding of the world upside down. Until then, I'll keep tending my fields, watching the skies, and wondering about the mysteries that lie beyond.


Bonny MacAlister


Mehrin Ebrahimi