Fynn Pedersen

After graduating high school and turning 18, I decided to take some time off before jumping into university or a job. Growing up in Copenhagen, Denmark, I’d always had a curiosity about the world beyond my city’s canals and cobblestone streets. So, with some savings and a sense of adventure, I set out on a few trips with friends. The most unforgettable adventure was when my friend and I decided to explore India for a few months. We started out using trains and buses, but soon realized that if we really wanted to see the country, we’d need a car.

The only problem? Neither of us had a driver’s license. One day, as we were wandering through a bustling market in Delhi, we stumbled upon a driving school. It had signs in English, and after a quick discussion, we decided to go for it. The process was surprisingly simple and cheap—a learner’s license cost just a dollar, and a full license was only seven. We took the basic tests, which were almost laughably easy compared to what we’d face back home in Denmark. Within a month, we had our full licenses and were ready to hit the road.

We rented a small, beat-up car and began our journey through the Indian countryside. Driving through remote villages and along narrow, winding roads, we were met with curious stares and warm smiles from the locals. It felt like we were the only tourists around, which made the experience even more special. One day, we got a flat tire on a deserted stretch of road. With no spare and no gas station in sight, we were starting to get worried. But then a farmer in an old, rattling truck stopped to help. He didn’t speak much English, but through gestures and smiles, he got us to his garage, where he had a spare tire. He even invited us in for a meal while he fixed the car.

We continued our journey, but that experience stuck with me. Every day was unpredictable, full of challenges and surprises, but it made the trip unforgettable. Now, back in Copenhagen for a few months, I’ve managed to get my proper driver’s license. But whenever I’m driving around the familiar roads here, my mind drifts back to those winding roads in India, where the real adventure began.


Ella Seymour


Aroha Naruthu