Eva Gundersen

On a recent cruise to the Caribbean with three of my closest friends, I found myself unexpectedly charmed by the experience, despite my initial reluctance. I’m 69 years old, originally from Bergen, Norway, and though I’ve always loved to travel—especially since retiring—the idea of being stuck on a boat with tourists seemed absurd. But my friends were persuasive, and I figured, why not?

One day, we had a stopover in Martinique. We decided to explore the local markets, eager to see what the island had to offer. As we wandered through the stalls, admiring colorful fabrics and exotic fruits, my friend Ingrid spotted a stand selling local spices. The vendor, an older woman with a mischievous smile, started chatting with us in rapid French. Ingrid, who knows just enough French to get by, nodded enthusiastically, though I suspected she didn’t understand half of what was being said.

Suddenly, the vendor handed Ingrid a small jar of what looked like chili powder. Without thinking, Ingrid opened the jar and took a big sniff. Her eyes widened, and she let out a loud sneeze, followed by a series of coughs. The vendor burst into laughter, and soon, the rest of us couldn’t help but join in. Ingrid’s face turned bright red—not from the spice, but from embarrassment—yet she couldn’t stop laughing either. It turns out the jar contained a local blend known for being extremely potent.

We spent the rest of the day joking about Ingrid’s "spicy" experience, and even now, whenever we meet up, someone inevitably brings it up. It’s a reminder that, no matter where we go, the unexpected moments are often the most memorable—and that it’s always a good idea to approach new experiences with a sense of humor.


Amal Thakur


Matthew Jenkins