Charlotte Morgan

I've been retired for a few years now, enjoying the slower pace of life in Auckland, New Zealand. With the extra time on my hands, I've delved into something I've always felt drawn to: my psychic abilities. For years, I had glimpses of events before they happened. This may sound strange to many, and I used to keep it to myself, fearing people would dismiss me as a superstitious weirdo seeking attention. As a nurse, I was particularly cautious not to appear dubious. But now, at 68, I have nothing to fear and nothing to lose.

I began with occasional sessions for acquaintances, using photos and personal items to connect with the individuals they were curious about. I don't charge for my services; my goal is to help and refine my abilities. Surprisingly, all my visions have proven accurate, leading to amazement and a growing reputation. Soon, I received more requests than I could handle.

The most remarkable case came when the Auckland police approached me about a murder investigation. Initially hesitant, I decided to assist. Immersing myself in the case, I vividly saw the murderer. I described him, and the police had a sketch drawn. Within days, they apprehended a man matching the description, whose DNA matched evidence from the crime scene. The recognition I received was gratifying, though it also made some people wary of me.

Despite the mixed reactions, I'm grateful to help and hope to challenge stereotypes about psychic abilities. I believe many more people could tap into their intuitive skills if they were open to it. This journey has been both fulfilling and eye-opening, showing me that retirement can be a time of profound discovery and contribution.


Darius Kudirka


William Johnson