Anyu Tarralikitak

The morning air in Nuuk, Greenland was crisp and invigorating as we readied ourselves for a boat trip to the nearby island, where ripe berries awaited our eager hands. My husband and I had taken on the profound responsibility of caring for our grandchildren after our son, grappling with the weight of grief and alcoholism, could no longer provide a stable home for them.

As we packed provisions and ensured the children were snugly fitted into their life jackets, I couldn't help but marvel at the changing landscape surrounding us. At 65, I had witnessed firsthand the effects of climate change on our beloved Greenland—the gradual retreat of ice, revealing patches of earth where once there was only frozen tundra. It was a stark reminder of the urgent need for environmental stewardship and collective action.

Despite his advancing age, my husband remained a pillar of strength for our family, continuing to provide through his skillful fishing expeditions. His weathered hands expertly maneuvered the boat through the crystalline waters, guiding us toward the island where clusters of sweet berries promised a taste of summer amidst the Arctic chill.

As we approached the shore, the children's excitement bubbled over, their laughter mingling with the gentle rhythm of the waves. It was a moment of pure joy, a fleeting respite from the weight of our familial obligations.

Amidst the berry-picking frenzy, I found a quiet moment to reflect on the journey that had brought us to this point. My son's struggle with addiction loomed large in my thoughts, a constant source of heartache and worry. Yet, in the midst of our own challenges, I had found purpose in volunteering with organizations dedicated to supporting those affected by alcoholism and abuse. It was my way of channeling hope amidst the uncertainty, of believing that brighter days lay ahead for my son and our family.

As we returned home, our boat laden with the fruits of our labor and the echoes of children's laughter still ringing in our ears, I clung to that hope, knowing that even in the face of adversity, love and resilience could light the way forward.


Jomel Medrano


Irwan Khemiri