Ana Ferreira

At 31 years old, living in Lisbon, Portugal, and still residing with my parents isn't exactly what I envisioned for myself, but skyrocketing rents have made it a necessity rather than a choice. The cramped quarters sometimes lead to unexpected and, frankly, mortifying situations, like the one that unfolded not too long ago.

My boyfriend Lino, himself grappling with the same housing predicament, sought refuge at my place for the night. As the evening unfolded, our desires grew beyond mere companionship, and the anticipation of intimacy hung palpably in the air.

However, our plans hit an unexpected snag when Lino, struck by a sudden urge, dashed out of the room sans underpants to relieve himself. The universe, with its twisted sense of humor, orchestrated an encounter of the most embarrassing kind: Lino, in all his naked glory, collided head-on with my unsuspecting mother in the hallway.

The awkwardness that ensued could have rivaled a scene from a sitcom, and any romantic inclinations swiftly dissipated in the wake of such mortification.

Yet, amidst the discomfort, Lino and I found solace in each other's company, spending the remainder of the night immersed in earnest conversation. Together, we pondered the elusive prospect of finding our own sanctuary, free from the constraints of parental supervision.

Both artists navigating the uncertain landscape of an industry increasingly influenced by AI, we clung to the hope of a brighter future. As we discussed plans to forge a path towards independence, we held onto the belief that amidst the chaos, a solution would eventually reveal itself.


Detlef Wagner


Gjon Krasniqi