Amelia Wilson

Today unfolded unlike any other. Last night's dream stirred emotions I thought long buried. My father, a distant figure in my life, visited me in that realm of sleep. Raised by my resilient mother, our encounters were scarce. But in the dream, we converged in a café here in Philadelphia, USA. It was an uncomfortable reunion with awkward pleasantries exchanged amidst strained atmospheres.

At 29, I resolved to transmute these emotions into song. As I penned each lyric, memories flooded back, igniting a fire of determination within me. Yet, nearing completion, exhaustion gripped me tightly, urging a respite.

Stepping into a nearby café for solace, I found myself face to face with my father, a sight I hadn't beheld in years. Reality blurred with dreams as disbelief washed over me. Unlike the tension of my dream, our meeting was serene, fostering open dialogue and healing.

Returning home, I completed the song, infused with the raw emotions of the day. What started as a dream ended as an incredible journey of reconciliation and catharsis. As I strummed the final chords, a sense of closure enveloped me, marking the beginning of a new chapter in my relationship with my father. With each note, I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders, a burden of the past finally released. In the quiet of my studio, I knew that today would be a day etched in my memory forever, a day where dreams transcended into reality, and healing began.


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